Home >> Archive >> Vol:3, No:1 >> Editorial: Future of Scientific Research Publishing

Editorial: Future of Scientific Research Publishing

| Çağlar Cengizler |

Year:2024| Vol:3| No:1| PP 1-2

Scientific progress sometimes happens through big leaps, but more often it is the result of small, steady steps forward. For this reason, feeding collective memory with fresh information and ensuring new knowledge reaches every corner of society is vital. Until new knowledge is widely shared and firmly established, it remains fragile. Therefore, filtering research findings and delivering them to the right audience is critical for the rise of civilizations. Thanks to the global network created by publishers, the results of scientific studies can thrive, avoiding the risk of fading away. Humanity benefits from the advantages of positivism through this system of responsibilities, standing on the dedicated work of scientists. Publishing is not just about sharing information; it also protects, refines, and universalizes it. This process, which turns fragile new ideas into revolutionary breakthroughs, is itself subject to evolution and change.

Editorial; Issue; IJABE; Future
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